Best Helpful Hints to Get You Through the Winter and Storms
3/8/2021 (Permalink)

- Ceiling fans are not just for summer: flip the switch to reverse the spin of the fan and turn on the lowest speed to blow warm air down from ceiling.
- Use energy from the Sun: During the day, open drapes and blinds to allow sunlight to help warm the house, land then close at night to hold in heat.
- Dress in Layers: Pack an extra pair of warm socks, blankets, wool sweaters and long-johns or coveralls in your car to keep warm.
- Keep a bag of clay kitty litter in car: If your car gets stuck in deep snow or slick ice, sprinkle kitty litter (non-clumping) at the base of your tires to add some traction to get moving again. Extra weigh in trunk will create added pressure on your tires, ensuring greater contact between your tread and the ground.
- Don’t smoke or drink coffee before shoveling: Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants and can add extra stress to the heart.
- Learn to walk like a penguin: To walk safely on ice, walk like a penguin. Point your feet out, land hold your arms out slightly to your side. Shuffle, land take short steps.
- Easy deicer: The night before freezing temperatures, rub half a potato over your car’s windshield. The sugar from the potato creates a barrier over the window and prevents ice from forming, when you come out in the morning you will not have to scrape! Simply rinse and wipe with your wipers when you get on the road.
- Gas Up: During cold weather months, it is good practice to keep at least a half tank of gas in your vehicle at all times. Not only does it prevent you from being stranded, but it prevents any water in the tank from freezing, which can damage the fuel pump.
- Frozen locks: Squirt a little hand sanitizer on them. The isopropyl alcohol that kills germs also lowers the freezing point of water, and can melt the ice inside the lock within seconds.
- Grab a roll of duct tape and keep it in car: Not only does it fix everything, but you can use it as a fire starter – duct tape is very flammable and is a great tool to get a fire going in an emergency. Don’t forget to have a lighter or matches in your emergency kit.
- Candles: will keep you warm in your car if you are stranded in car. Also, don’t forget to have a lighter or matches.
- No more icy walkways: Sprinkle leftover coffee grounds on your freshly shoveled walk or driveway to help melt the ice – it’s a natural and environmentally friendly way to add more traction underfoot. Remember to wipe feet when going inside.
- Dry wet shoes: by stuffing them with dry newspaper to absorb the moisture quicker.
- Shoveling Snow: Spay shovel with non-cook cooking spray, snow will slide off easier.
- Winter Survival Kit to keep in vehicle: Flashlight, batteries, snacks, water, ice scraper, first aid kit, candle and lighter, phone charger, warm outer clothing and travel shovel.